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How a seed company used our digital tool to estimate yield and planned their commercial hybrid seed production cycle? Yield and Arrival Estimation

Founded in 2004, this seed company uses cutting edge research and technology to provide farmers with high-quality hybrids that have a superior yield potential. With a rapidly growing base of one over a million farmers served annually, this seed company is among the top hybrid rice seed companies in India. Pando helped in initiating the digital transformation and analysing the seed production of a seed company. In order to gauge any production system, in addition to monitoring the field force operations, it is critical to estimate the volumes, quality impact and time of arrival. When it comes to seed production of a seed company, the process is no exception. Hence, we initiated our process for estimating the same with meticulous analysis with the help of Pando. As we cannot improve what we cannot measure, we laid thorough emphasis on measurement, estimation, the progression of seed production undertaken by a seed company. This helped us in reaching the root cause of gaps and allowed to correct the course for the same for the future. To extrapolate the same and to achieve the goal of managing thousands of plots real-time for a seed company and monitor the impact of their seed production, we built a simple yet powerful interface and features to manage all critical stage of seed production from nursery to harvesting till the shipment. Pando's detailed modules also helped this seed company in gauging various parameters like farmer selection, managing stage-wise field parameters, quality classification, real-time yield estimation and thus helped them in bringing the gaps of their seed production estimation.

We meticulously monitored 3000 plots for them. For the Plot Level Quality Index, we achieved 95% accuracy against their actuals. For the Real-Time Arrival Estimation, we achieved 90% accuracy against their actuals.

Seed Production

Volume and Arrival Estimation


50K Plots

"Quality Index"

95% Conformances

"Arrival Estimation"

90% Accuracy